Native: e1.0.0
SandboxCore: e1.0.1
Sandbox: e1.0.1
Storymode: e1.0.1
CustomBattle: e1.0.1
- Fixed a rare crash when opening the multiplayer team selection screen.
- Fixed a crash caused by timeout for the Army of Poachers quest.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when failing Army of Poachers quest without fighting.
- Fixed a crash caused by the Gang Leader Needs Weapons daily issue creation.
- Fixed a crash caused by the Bounty Hunters quest success and fail consequences.
- Fixed a rare crash that occurs when talking to common area thugs.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when talking with village notables to get a quest.
- Fixed a rare conversation freeze when following an NPC to find a quest hero.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after clearing the Rival Gang quest.
- Corrected the weapons of some ranged units.
- Some troops that were using noble tier weapons received more appropriate equipment.
- Some weapon parts' crafting material costs were fixed.
- Some minor equipment changes for Aserai, Battania, and Khuzait troops.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when helping an allied party that is besieging a settlement.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when helping an allied party that is getting attacked while besieging enemy settlement.
- A rare crash caused by AI clans joining kingdoms as mercenaries has been fixed.
- Fixed a problem that locked the player in a conversation after asking a villager to take you to a character.
- Fixed a crash with the quest Lord Needs Garrison Troops that occurred for some Vlandian castles.
- Fixed a rare crash that occurred when talking to people (townsmen, townswomen, child, infant) in towns and villages.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when running out of stamina while crafting charcoal.
- Fixed a crash caused by the Rival Gang quest. If this quest was done before, there is a chance your save is already broken. Future errors are fixed.
- Unintended consequences for clans that leave their kingdoms have been removed.
- Players will now be able to make peace with minor faction lords through barter, saving them from a soft-lock to join kingdoms.
- Siege tactic default weapons have changed.
- Capped daily workshop income at 200.
- Clan tier maximum party size bonus formula has changed.
- Fixed some of the crashes after launching and on scene entry.
- Fixed the infinite loading issue with some scenes.
- Fixed a crash when switching options to low or very low.
- Fixed an issue with the crash uploader.
Please note: You can roll back to the previous version by using the beta tab in the Steam game properties window.