Native: e1.0.0
SandboxCore: e1.0.2
Sandbox: e1.0.2
Storymode: e1.0.2
CustomBattle: e1.0.2
- Some of the crashes from older saves are fixed and these saves can be used again. (especially caused by fencing stolen goods & rival gang leader quests).
- Enabled Steam cloud saves.
- A bug that was preventing some players (especially Windows 7 users) from logging into the multiplayer lobby has been fixed. There may be further issues in this regard. We are investigating the matter.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a custom battle.
- Various localisation fixes. Some texts are only in English due to lacking localisation tags. Now they can be updated by translators and will be added to the game soon.
- Some variable texts were not shown correctly. Some of them are fixed, more will be fixed in upcoming patches.
- Some Turkish translation corrections and typo fixes.
- Fixed an AI-related issue that crashed the game.
- Fixed an AI calculation error on aiming ranged weapons against mounted enemies.
- Fixed launcher not being visible for some users.
- Fixed errors and crashes after changing language in multiplayer.
- Fixed encyclopedia faction "Part of" crash on creating player faction.
- Hero crafting stamina is now saved. Loading does not restore stamina.
- Localised text manager does not crash on invalid source file.
- Fixed a crash that occurs in some towns when we try to take a walk.
- Fixed a crash that occurs during a conversation with various characters.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after activating the “Fencing Stolen Goods” quest.
- Fixed a crash when creating a new hero. Mainly happened when opening a new campaign or having a baby.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when “Headman Needs Grain” issue time out.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player clan gained renown while the player character is a prisoner.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a quest time out in Quest Manager.
- A crash caused by initiating peace barter with heroes that do not have parties has been fixed.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player has created their own kingdom and the conspiracy progress quest starts.
- Added notifications to certain parts of the Main Storyline.
- Fixed a bug where using the ransom all prisoners button didn’t give roguery XP.
- Removed ransoming prisoners' trade skill gain.
- Decreased ransoming prisoners' roguery skill gain by 40%
- An issue with the 3rd banner piece fixed.
- Party initialisation in Radagos' Hideout is changed to a more stable version.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting "You're breaking the law." option when the "Family Feud" quest is active.
- Fixed quest NPC remains in the player's clan at the end of the Family Feud quest bug.
- Fixed quest NPC remains in the player's clan at the end of the Lord Needs Tutor quest bug.
- Fixed getting Family Feud quest NPC as a companion and progressing in Rebuild Your Clan quest bug.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when LordWantsRivalCapturedIssueQuest Quest Giver becomes a prisoner.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to force village notables to give supplies/recruits.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a game that is saved during the ExtortionByDeserters quest is loaded.
- Fixes a possible crash that might occur if the player loads a game that was saved during the following quests: MerchantNeedsHelpWithLooters, EscortMerchantCaravan, LocateAndRescueTraveller (tutorial quest), TravelToVillage (tutorial quest), IstianasBannerPiece, ArzagosBannerPiece.
- Players that are at war with minor factions will now be able to join kingdoms even if the kingdom is not at war with that minor faction.
- Fixed the bug where war state with factions that have been destroyed was not being cleared.
- A crash related to successfully making peace through barter has been fixed.
- Changed Strong Smith perk description to Controlled Smith
- Fixed a charm skill exploit which happens in marriage barter.
- Fixed a bug where companions were unable to be used after sending them to fix an issue.
- If you have some troops outside of the hideout, you are no longer taken as a prisoner anymore when you lose an encounter.
- Fixed a crash that occurs sometimes after a siege battle (after dying in siege battle, after go to defend in a siege, after trying to exit from a siege etc.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player tried to select & sell prisoners.
- 200 cap removed from workshops.
- Exploit at smithy and wood workshop is fixed.
- Defection amounts of clans decreased.
- Sally out probability decreased.
- +1 base daily militia for villages removed.
- Starving effect is halved for garrisons at fortifications.