Native: e1.4.3
SandboxCore: e1.4.3
Sandbox: e1.4.3
Storymode: e1.4.3
CustomBattle: e1.4.3
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a settlement that you own.
- Fixed an issue with the assault option not showing in some instances when joining an ongoing siege.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a newly captured city with an army.
- Parties led by companions are now able to join armies.
- Fixed a crash when the AI army leader lifted a siege.
- Fixed an error while loading modules on game startup that caused a crash.
- Fixed a crash that occurred with newborn NPC having no civilian or battle equipment set.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player completed an arena practice fight after loading the game while the arena menu was active.
- Fixed a crash where a minor faction and a bandit party attacked an enemy faction and the player decided to help it.
Known Issues