Greetings warriors of Calradia!
Today, we are moving the current beta branch to our main Steam branch. Below you will find the original changes included in the beta branch, our previous hotfixes to the beta branch as well as some additional changes that we have done since.
Native: e1.4.3
SandboxCore: e1.4.3
Sandbox: e1.4.3
Storymode: e1.4.3
CustomBattle: e1.4.3
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a settlement.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while distributing loot after battle.
- Fixed a game freezing issue related to sound stutters.
- Fixed an issue with party troops changing to 0 after battles.
- Reduced the rate of casualties when a party is starving.
- Changes made to the campaign AI party logic to change target less during the preparation of sieges.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a settlement that you own.
- Fixed an issue with the assault option not showing in some instances when joining an ongoing siege.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a newly captured city with an army.
- Parties led by companions are now able to join armies.
- Fixed a crash when the AI army leader lifted a siege.
- Fixed an error while loading modules on game startup that caused a crash.
- Fixed a crash that occurred with newborn NPC having no civilian or battle equipment set.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player completed an arena practice fight after loading the game while the arena menu was active.
- Fixed a crash where a minor faction and a bandit party attacked an enemy faction and the player decided to help it.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to a minor faction party during the main storyline.
- Tier 4 troop wages are decreased by 1 gold and Tier 5 wages decreased by 3 gold.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to perform an action while at a settlement with an army.
- Fixed a bug that tagged garrisons as mobile parties which caused prison escape chances to be calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed a crash the occurred while creating settlement notifications for caravan transactions.
- Fixed a bug that caused wounded animations to not play while talking to an imprisoned lord.
- Fixed a bug where the player party was erroneously called to an AI army that caused it to automatically move towards the army's position.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some nobles from spawning in new games.
- Fixed an issue where nobles without party were not going another settlement to join tournaments. Fixed a bug where family members stop being eligible for leading parties.
- Notables' power ratings were stabilising at 100 after some time, this is fixed and balanced.
- Default trade penalty (buy-sell price difference from average) is reduced to 8% from 10%.
- Imperial Sergeant Crossbowmen got their swords back.
- Fixed an issue related with automatic block direction option in which ranged attacks forced the player to stop holding their shield up.
- AI now needs to build more siege equipment before launching an assault. If attackers start a siege assault without any equipment or with only one ram/siege tower, the settlement will have a better advantage compared to previously.
- Siege preparation is now 33% longer.
- Item prices differentiate more among settlements so merchant players & caravans can make better profits.
- Fixed a crash that occurred if the player left an army while at a settlement.
- Fixed a bug that caused problems with health regeneration.
- Adjusted some village productions. Visual adjustments will follow shortly.
- Fixed a bug that caused garrison wages to be excessive for a short period of time upon taking control of a settlement.
- Prevented a crash when upgrading troops in Manage Troops screen before attacking a hideout.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when recruiting surrendering bandits in a conversation.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on death notifications.
- Fixed a crash in Skirmish.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to mount a horse that was despawning.
- Localisation fixes.
- Fixed a crash that happened upon leaving villages.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering some of the hideouts.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when the main hero's troops retreated while the main hero was wounded in Radagos' Hideout.
- Fixed a crash that happened when the rogue hero is killed in Notable Wants Daughter Found Quest.
- Fixed a crash that happened when the main hero was executed because of crime rating.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a player successfully persuaded a hero to join his/her kingdom while sieging the related hero's settlement.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when asking tavern keepers for available issues.
- Fixed a crash which happened on exiting the game.
- Fixed a crash that happened when the game could not parse a bad translation text.
- Fixed a problem that caused crashes while ticking on the campaign map.
- Fixed a crash that occurred during marriage barter.
- Fixed a crash that happened at the start of the conspiracy quest.
- Reduced memory usage of large settlement scenes by optimizing the memory footprint of game entities.
- General CPU memory usage improvements for missions/scenes. For one of our currently most demanding scenes (Balgrad), which is very crowded, this meant a reduction of 100-150mb.
- UI memory usage was reduced on the campaign map. UI binding system performance improvements were made.
- Optimized weapon mesh loading behaviour for campaign party icons in order to prevent FPS drop spikes.
- Sword parts have been optimized for better performance during crafting.
Save & Load
- Fixed a bug that caused troop formations to reset after saving and loading the game.
- Fixed a bug that caused settlement characters to not to spawn after Saving and loading while waiting in a settlement.
- Fixed a bug that skips the first clan income after loading the game.
- Chinese localisation improvements
- Punctuation fixes, spelling corrections and other localisation updates
- Navmesh edits for better ai movement in the bazaar area of aserait_town_c.
- Navmesh edits for better ai movement on ladders for sturgia_castle_003.
- Improvements on empire keep models and scenes.
- Added new ultra-short afro hair
- Fixed some visuals issues in weapon crafting pieces.
- Sestadeim Castle now has a castle scene.
- Added new Sturgian armour set; Northern Lamellar Vest / Northern Short Lamellar Vest
- Fixed a physics issue with falling down and getting stuck near some of the walls
- Visual quality and performance improvements on trees.
- Added 3 new old looking Sturgian shields
- Fixed Northern Sloven Leather armour's clipping problems
Campaign Map
- Pathfinding and navmesh fixes in the world map.
- Army member icons now make a movement animation while relocating during events, instead of floating.
- World Map icon textures/models/materials were improved.
- Changes
- New conversation screen on the campaign map
- This will allow players to open conversations on the campaign map with other parties much faster and without a loading screen.
- Implemented cheering
- Players can now cheer with the key “O”. A click will play the first cheer animation whereas holding “O” will open a cheer wheel with 4 animations in place. This is a feature in progress and will be implemented for MP with more features in future patches.
- Custom Battle Improvements
- Now the "Select a Map" text disappears on editable area focus and all maps are visible on dropdown upon area selection
- Now siege machines slots are selected by default so players can start siege maps right away with pre-selected siege engines
- Wall state options are now "Solid", "Single Breached" and "Dual Breached" instead of the previous "100", "50" and "0"
- Some minor text changes and bug fixes
- Now equipment of units in the encyclopedia is inspectable by hovering over their respective icons in their encyclopedia page.
- Added map event (Battle and Raid) sound events.
- The legend of the SP Scoreboard is always visible now for easier reading. Legend header will still be visible after the legend header is scrolled out of frame.
- Right side circle map notifications will open their respective screens with the featured item selected by default. e.g clicking on the newborn notification will open the clan screen with the newborn hero selected by default.
- Added missing One-Handed, Polearm, Leadership perk icons
- The culture of a settlement can now be viewed on the settlement's encyclopedia page.
- Updated Thamaskene steel image in crafting
- Fixes
- Fixed the hyperlink in the name of the conversed character in the conversation screen.
- Fixed a vertical placement error in the campaign options popup
- Fixed a bug that caused babies and children to have visuals in Encyclopedia and Clan screen
- Encyclopedia page for children no longer shows enemies/allies
Battles and Sieges
- Adjustments to the hideout encounter.
- The player now has 2 options to enter a hideout. Either simply charging in, which will select his highest level troops for the mission, or to manage his roster from a party screen.
- Bandit counts in the mission were balanced.
- Bandits that do not fight in the duel can be taken as prisoners.
- An auto-blocking option was added for single player.
Character Development System
- Added a new system for XP sharing, where after a battle a portion of upgrade XP earned by troops will be distributed to the rest of the party.
- Character levels now depend on raw experience collected from skills rather than skill level increases. Overall this should make it easier to focus on a particular set of skills.
- Some of the calculations of perks were wrong because primary and secondary increment types were not divided. This was fixed.
- Skill effects were not applied to non-hero agents. This was fixed.
- Added 10 new athletics perks for the campaign side and prepared the UI for the combat/mission perks.
- Added 7 new riding perks for the campaign side and prepared the UI for the combat/mission perks.
- Fixed bugs for the perks Confidence and Public Talker.
- Fixed a bug with the wholesaler and appraiser perks. Profits should now be marked.
Clan and Party
- Adjust clan members to make sure each clan has a number of combatants appropriate to its tier (at least 1 combatant for tiers 1 and 2, 2 for 3 and 4, 3 for 5 and 6). Combatants are characters that are reasonably skilled for leading parties, etc.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from naming one of their children if they had twins.
- Parties that fled from players in the mission battle should now also try to escape from the main party on the campaign map.
- Fixed an issue with marrying a hero with a party that caused the spouse to be stuck in a neutral party. The hero should now be added to the player clan while the other clan’s party will disband.
- Fixed a bug that enabled players to create parties with heroes that are on the run from their captors.
- Cultural home settlements are properly assigned at the beginning of the game. The general home settlement selection algorithm was improved. The (non-party) hero wandering algorithm was also improved.
- Fixed a bug that caused home settlements to not update upon marriage
- Fixed a bug that caused some home settlements to be set wrong if a family member was in a different clan
- Skill and trait generation for children was improved. Problems with excessively low or high skilled offspring should be resolved.
- Face and body properties selection for children was improved.
- Fixed an issue that caused children to be born in the wrong settlement.
- Fixed a bug that allowed mercenaries to create armies.
Kingdoms and Diplomacy
- Adjustments to the War and Peace evaluations.
- Fixed a bug that caused the player party to be teleported after a successful siege barter.
- It is now more difficult for lords to defect: Even when they have no settlements, lords will typically not defect if they have a good amount of money. This means that the money they have affects their desire for defection. The player now also gains relation after a lord joins his kingdom via the defection barter and the defecting lord loses relation with his old king as well.
- Fixed and enabled the succession kingdom decision that triggers on royal death for the player and AI.
- Fixed a bug that led context dependent barterables to have no effect.
- Fixed a bug that caused a wrong dialogue variable to appear while trying to convince an enemy lord to join the player’s faction.
- Fixed a bug that caused the voting system to ignore player participation in some decisions.
- Sturgian default party template strength increased to better match with other factions.
- Added a notification for resolved kingdom decisions that the player didn’t vote in.
- Fixed a bug that caused diplomatic stances to be removed for a kingdom when one of its clans was removed.
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes that are in related kingdoms settlements to not to be captured or released after peace or war declaration.
- Reduced the duratıon of the no-attack/safe passage barter.
- Fixed an issue with persuasion that caused failures to trigger instead of critical failures.
- The king’s chances of being a candidate for and winning ownership of a newly captured settlement were reduced a bit.
Economy and Trade
- Fixed a bug that caused a mismatch between town project bonus descriptions and their actual effect on the town.
Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
- Some raid logs were added twice. This was fixed and raid logs are more informative now.
Quests & Issues
- Added the new quest LandLord needs Manual Laborers
- A new main storyline quest named "Rescue Your Family" was added to the game.
- Extortion by Deserter Updates & Fixes
- The chance for the deserter party to be spawned too far away from the player (because of path blockers like mountains, rivers etc.) was significantly reduced.
- The prosperity reward for finishing the quest successfully will now be applied correctly to the village's town or castle.
- The journal will now correctly show the number of troops sent for the companion solution assuming the player has chosen this option.
- The player can no longer pick troops below Tier 2 when forming the party for the companion solution.
- Fixed a bug which let the player take this quest when the player faction was at war with the quest giver's faction.
- Encyclopedia page now correctly displays the quest giver's entry if the player right clicks on the quest giver's party icon.
- Quest giver's defence party can no longer be controlled by the player. They will join the ambush battle to defeat deserters but they will be under the command of the quest giver.
- Fixed a number of dialogue texts.
- Gang Leader Needs Weapons Updates & Fixes
- Players will no longer be able to get the quest if they are the owner of the quest settlement.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to try persuasion multiple times with Save & Load.
- Training for Retainers Issue Quest Updates
- Reward gold amount increased.
- Required skill minimum amounts increased for the alternative solution.
- Required troop count for alternative solution adjusted.
- Return duration for alternative solution increased.
- Issue/Quest time limit increased.
- Issue's prosperity effect no longer exists.
- 5 relation and 10 power added to the issue owner as a reward for the alternative solution.
- Borrowed troop count in quest adjusted.
- Once the player clan becomes enemies with the quest giver's kingdom, quest cancels.
- Quest success does not affect the issue settlement's militia anymore.
- Keeping all of the borrowed troops decreases the main hero's honour by 10.
- Issue/Quest conditions adjusted
- Required grain amount was increased for the Headman Needs Grain Seed quest.
- Fixed a bug that caused a wrong dialogue option to appear while talking to the quest giver NPC in the Needs Help with Looters quest.
- Players can no longer persuade child nobles in the Company of Trouble quest.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Family Feud quest NPC to change clans.
- Fixed a problem with Lord Needs Horses quest which caused the battle encounter menu to pop up once the player completed the quest through dialogue.
- Minor Faction Heros will no longer give Lord Needs Horses quest.
- Fixed a bug that causes target quest NPC to be duplicated in Lady/Lord Wants Rival Captured quest.
- Destroying Looter parties will also be counted as quest progress in Needs Help With Brigands quest.
- Fixed a bug that changed the location of Radagos' hideout to another hideout.
Conversations & Encounters
- Fixed a bug that caused the lord’s hall guards to act like hireable mercenaries.
- Fixed a bug that caused ally party heroes to act like enemies when the player encounters an enemy and tries to talk to the allied army member.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to talk to notables via the "Request a meeting with someone" button.
- Fixed a bug when calculating the difficulty of a persuasion option.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong encyclopedia page to open upon clicking the name of the conversed character in conversation
- Fixed a bug that caused dialogue problems when the player asked an NPC to find another NPC in tavern missions.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in conversations when they tried to talk to wanderers in settlements that were owned by the player’s map faction.
Troop Updates & Fixes
- Faction Troops now use a greater variety of weaponry.
- Mercenary Cavalry Units now uses spears.
- Mercenary units now possess proper skill points and are in correct unit groups
- Mercenary Guard and Mercenary Cavalry have slightly better weaponry.
- Sturgian Brigand, Hardened Brigand and Horse Raider units now also have spears.
- Basic Level 6 Units of Factions units now have a chance to carry and use Tier 2 weapons.
- Battanian Oathsworn now use javelins.
- Battanian Scouts changed their horses to Battanian Ones.
- Aserai Mameluke Regular and Aserai Youth now count as Cavalry units.
- Mameluke Heavy Cavalry now uses a different bow.
- Aserai Tribal Horsemen now have javelins.
- Khuzait Torguuds now carry swords in addition to their original weaponry.
- Khuzait Darkhan units carry better javelins.
- Khan's Guards now also carry one-handed maces.
- Khuzait Spear Infantry now uses Throwable Spears.
- Levy Crossbowmen now counts as a ranged unit (as they should).
- Fixed a bug that caused a notification that tells the player their relation with themselves decreased.
- Fixed a bug that caused settlement healing effects to not work.
- Fixed a bug that caused lords not to move when they were asked for a board game.
- Fixed a bug that stopped lords from moving when they were asked for a board game.
- Characters would not properly show their age / look younger in missions. This was fixed.
- Fixed an issue that caused crashes in tournaments for mods that added new cultures to the game.
- Fixed a bug that prevented child nobles from spawning in the lord’s hall.
- Fixed a bug that caused child heroes to be added to tournaments as participants.
- Hideouts will no longer give the settlement healing boost to parties.
- Fixed a bug that caused wanderers to spawn in the same position in taverns.
- Fixed a bug that causes some horses to have the same colours.
- Editor UX cleanup for modding tools
- Asset override systems for the modding tools
- Modding support for sound system.
- Internal Refactoring and code cleanup.
- Added better barriers to some points that go outside of the map for mp_tdm_map_001.
- Fixed a common issue of seeing lances in the couched state in clients although it is already pulled up.
Design & Balance
- Voulge chain attack speed reduced.
- Vlandia Knight - Bastard Axe one-handed use fixed.
- Crush throughs are more likely to happen with 2handed maces
- Crush throughs with couched lances don't happen in multiplayer
Game Modes
- Siege servers now stop accepting players after a morale threshold. Also fixed changing stats of players when a game ends while they were loading. This happened rarely on Siege servers.
Other - Miscellaneous
- Matchmaker now balances teams after arranging a match.
- Factions and maps are now distributed uniformly between game types instead of globally.
- You can now leave MP games without punishment if you haven't spawned during the game.
- Fixed an issue causing starting gold not to be 120 when joining the spectator team before a combatant team
Server & Network
- Fixed a bug that caused an infinite wait screen when trying to join an ending custom game.
- Fixed a condition where a player can start a kick action without letting other clients be notified, thus making it invisible to other clients.
- Fixed many cases of disconnects from Lobby. Failed actions will now be reverted and an information text regarding those will be shown on the chat screen.
- Fixed an issue causing the visual count on quivers sometimes not updating on clients.
- Fixed custom servers waiting abnormally long after ending normally.
- Fixed a client crash at the Lobby
- Fixed a crash in mp matches with the aserai faction active
- Fixed a crash that occurs during mission loading.
- Cloth simulation now uses fewer CPU resources.
- Removed given velocities to riders falling backwards from mounts which causes an unnatural movement.
- Fixed wrong movement animations on users while rotating a siege machine.
- Shield hit inverse kinematics improvement.
- Replaced placeholder animations with motion-capture animations for death by fire/explosion.
- Replaced placeholder animations with motion-capture animations for death by arrow/back direction/shoulder & back.
- Fixed a flaw in the weapon-wielding logic that allowed wielding weapons while mounted that are supposed to be disallowed.
- Active combat actions of an agent no longer get locked while giving an order or using an object/machine.
- Third-person camera height formula is adjusted so that the character covers less space on the screen when the camera is very close to it, allowing a better view while fighting.
- Two-handed weapons can now crush through a block on overswing attacks.
- Crush through was printing two different damages, it's fixed.
- Implemented the first-person camera movement behaviour while mounted option, which actually did not change anything before.
- Fixed a bug where some throwable weapons disappear after the attached agent dies.
Known Issues