Viking Conquest 2.059

Viking Conquest 2.059 is live! As always, server admins and modders can access the latest files on our website by following the link: Viking Conquest Reforged Edition


- revised surrender dialog logic so town lords don't autosurrender above minimum to consider
- fixed probable string bug pillage monastery quest
- made mnu_castle_taken_native exit like the other options
- made player's stronghold follow his/her faction changes
- added warning about breaking the story game to cheat
- fixed camera on allied troops at Doccinga
- gave Pict females access to speed bonus in multiplayer
- fixed tournament spawning and initialization
- completed second outfit at tournaments
- now using actual fighters for tournament display

And while you are here, make sure to check out Brytenwalda Studios' latest title, Beyond Mankind: The Awakening!