- Fixed a crash that occurred when bartering for safe passage.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong location to be shown for prisoner heroes in the Kingdom-Diplomacy War tab.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Steel Nasal Cap to get overridden by the default helmet of the Brigand.
- Adjusted some perk names and descriptions.
- Infantry Changes:
- Reduced the cost of many Heavy Infantry classes for TDM and Siege by 10 gold.
- Reworked many perks, weapons, and class attributes. Notable examples:
- Vlandia Sergeant: Armor 41 -> 45 , new “Shieldwall” perk shield (captain mode only).
- Sturgian Warrior: Granted a shield by default.
- Ranged Changes:
- Decreased the damage multiplier of javelins against shields from 75% to 25%.
- Increased damage of all low-tier bows and crossbows.
- Decreased damage of all high-tier bows and crossbows.
- All melee-focused archer perks now either reduce the penalty of aiming or increase the speed overall while moving.
- Accuracy perks for archers now only apply on foot (except for Khuzait).
- Cavalry Changes:
- Added a half-barding version to all heavy cavalry classes.
- Reduced the weight of full bardings, making your Warhorses more responsive to dashes.
- Added a default shield to most light cavalry classes.
- Bow and Arrows perks now grant accuracy bonuses.
- Reworked many lance and cavalry spear-related perks.
- Reduced the cost of many Heavy Infantry classes for TDM and Siege by 50 gold.
- Increased the skirmish mode prices of most light cavalry classes.
- Vanguard: Cost 130 -> 140.
- Courser: Cost 130 -> 140.
- Beduin: Renamed to Jawwal (to fit the single player campaign lore), Cost 130 -> 140.
- Raider: Cost 130 -> 140.
- Mounted Warrior: Cost 140 -> 150.
- Check the forum thread for more details.
e1.7.0 Beta
- Fixed a crash that occurred when bartering for safe passage. (Also in 1.6.5 hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when bartering with bandits.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when calling all companions in the tavern.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player hovered over caravan animals and equipment with the cursor.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to player agent being removed from detachments at the beginning of the battle.
- Fixed a bug that caused the dialogue option that displays the next list of options to get stuck.
- Fixed bug that caused the Preventive Medicine perk to work even when the player didn't enter a battle.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Parade perk to work in other clans' settlements.
- Fixed a bug that caused the party name/speed labels to overlap the party size labels for non-main party nameplates.
- Fixed a bug that caused the escape menu buttons to not show up in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused some items to disappear on drag & release in the launcher and barter.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Slow down while giving orders" not to revert back to normal speed in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "CONTINUE" button on the launcher to not work properly if the initial video is missing.
- Players can no longer grant a settlement that has a voting procedure in progress which can affect the ownership of the settlement.
- Added the Character Portrait Competition winner faces to the game. You can see them wandering the lands of Calradia under the names of Ghuzid (Battle Hardened), Satros (Philosopher), Minarvina (Sidekick), and Tyliana (Machiavellian).
- Clan members' location text now says "Governing at…" if the hero is governing a settlement.
- Added the missing charm perk icons.
- Balance changes from e1.6.5 have also been applied to e1.7.0.
- Made map screen's VisualsOfEntities public which should extend the moddability of party visuals.
- Removed the error for invalid XMLs which was causing crashes.
Known Issues