Beta v1.2.0
- Fixed a crash that occurred during training missions due to the mount AI not being set correctly.
- Fixed a crash that occurred during a mission due to a right-handed weapon not being set.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to the combat camera not being set correctly.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a banner bearer was killed and its banner dropped to the ground.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a new troop spawned into a formation that was previously not positioned on the battlefield.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player died and their heir was a prisoner.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when transferring units between Circular and Square formations.
- Fixed a crash that occurred on launch.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when two kingdoms declared peace.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player died during alley or quest fights.
- Fixed a crash that occurred during item exchanges in various quests and dialogues.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a party left an army during an ongoing battle due to starvation.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when retreating from a combat mission.
- Fixed a crash that occurred during the Hero Coming of Age cutscene.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when speaking to a prisoner you’ve saved from imprisonment and they had an active vassalage offer for you.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to an invalid party roster state.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a party escorted another party.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while starting a board game in the lord’s hall after changing the owner of the settlement through dialogue in the same mission.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when abandoning an alley through dialogue and ordering the companion to follow the player right after occupying one.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when starting a siege with more than two factions involved.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving settlements.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when changing the monitor resolution and waiting for the timer to finish.
- Fixed a crash that occurred on the Inventory screen when pressing the "Sell Equipment" button while holding CTRL.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a board game was completed.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when accepting a ransom offer after a long period of time due to having the game on fast-forward.
- Fixed a crash that occurred if the main hero was a prisoner when the troops that were sent to resolve an issue returned back.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when sallying out while the besiegers were under attack by a friendly party.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when starting a battle with a party that didn’t have the party component.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when making peace through dialogue.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering the Kingdom menu.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when switching between the gamepad and mouse controls.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a newly occupied settlement.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to a memory spike when leaving a conversation.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when peace was declared via the Diplomacy screen during a raid.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the main hero died during a siege simulation.
- Fixed a crash that occurred during Sally Out Ambush missions.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to a kingdom decision proposed by a clan that was no longer part of that kingdom.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when destroying the conspiracy kingdoms in the main storyline.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while having the Scout Enemy Garrisons issue quest active.
- Fixed a crash that occurred if the Escort Merchant Caravan issue quest ended before any bandit encounters.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when creating the Army of Poachers issue quest.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when speaking to an army member while having the Lord Needs Horses issue quest active.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the Escort Merchant Caravan issue quest was canceled.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when completing the Village Needs Draught Animals issue quest.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to the rival gang leader during the Rival Gang Moving In issue quest.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while loading a save.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when moving your computer timezone back between saves.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save and a caravan not being correctly created.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save that has an ongoing siege.
- Improved performance of the item modifier selection algorithm.
- Optimized the search algorithm for finding appropriate generic greeting voiceovers.
- Fixed a bug that caused FPS drops on the "Manage Garrison" screen.
Save & Load
- Optimized the save system to further reduce the save size.
- Ironman saves now show the name of the character.
- Improved various localizations.
- Added 6 new battle terrains - West of Revyl, southwest of Quyaz, three terrains northeast of Razih and one around the town of Odohk.

- Added a total of 4 new bandit hideout scenes for the desert, forest, seaside, and mountain environments.
- Added 11 new dagger holsters.
- Added new images for alley menus.
- Changed the static colors of cloth located on 61 armor pieces to heraldic colors (the used color now depends on the faction color).
- Conducted minor improvements for various town & castle scenes (including global illumination).
- Fixed a bug that prevented the siege from ending at Pen Cannoc.
- Fixed a bug that caused cloth meshes on the campaign map to become distorted.
- Fixed and improved the bandit hideout cutscene transition. Hideout boss and bodyguards should now properly spawn when the camera fades out.
- Fixed a tree texture bug that occurred on the campaign map.
- Fixed a bug that caused the agent rotation to be incorrect while climbing a ladder that was rotated sideways.
- Fixed a bug that prevented hand animations from being played when a mission was paused.
- Fixed a bug that caused agents to hold books incorrectly.
Campaign Map
- Weather and weather effects have been introduced.
- Both rain and snow can now appear on the campaign map as well as in missions depending on the season of a specific region. Consequently, the grounds become wet or snowy and stay that way for a period even after the precipitation is gone.
- Campaign Map Effects:
- Wet/snowy grounds decrease mounted infantry and cavalry speed bonus components of party speed by 30%.
- Wet/snowy grounds double the siege preparation time.
- Mission Effects:
- Wet/snowy grounds decrease the max speed of mounts and mount acceleration by 15%.
- Active raining or snowing decreases the projectile speed of arrows and bolts by 20%, causing reduced damage and accuracy.
- Updated the town icons of Razih, Hubyar, Qasira and Sanala to resemble their mission counterparts.
- Fixed a bug that caused trebuchets to appear on the walls of the defenders in a siege.
- Income/Expenses Tooltip
- Income and expenses are now grouped and displayed in categories (Settlement, Workshop, Caravans, Garrison and Party, Tribute Payments,...).
- For a more detailed view, you can still expand the tooltip by holding ALT.
- Fixed a bug that caused the tooltip to expand beyond the visible screen.
- Clan Screen
- Added a new fief profit display that shows the profits of your fiefs in a more detailed manner.
- Added persistent headers and sorting by attributes.
- Marriage Offer
- Added a new pop-up that includes details about the potential bride and groom.
- Crafting Screen
- Added a new hero selection pop-up which is more consistent with other pop-ups.
- Added controller key hint visuals that inform you that you can move the camera when inspecting a weapon.
- Fixed various bugs related to hotkey inputs.
- Added a confirmation pop-up that appears when trying to leave the final lord's hall fight menu.
- Added a confirmation pop-up that appears when trying to leave troops behind on the looting screen.
- Added a tooltip that explains you can't gain achievements while playing SandBox.
- Added a warning animation to the low values in the Town Management menu.
- Improved text displayed on the tooltip when hovering over the decision to grant your companion a fief.
- Increased the durations of some notification banners.
- Improved the display of captain perks on the Order of Battle screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused the date displayed during cutscenes to be incorrect.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Send Troops" button from working when there were no healthy troops on the opposite side.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect dialogue to be displayed when clicking the “Sally out” button and canceling it immediately.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect menu background to be displayed after losing a hideout battle.
- Fixed a bug that prevented quest markers on hideouts from being displayed.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect player’s banner to appear on the settlement nameplate.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Prisoner Party screen to open when managing alleys on the Clan Screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused the difficulty in Campaign Options to appear as “Freebooter” after loading a save even if it was previously different.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to change your own party’s leader while managing a companion’s party.
- Fixed a bug that caused all formations to be converted into a ranged type during the Order of Battle phase in a siege.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the removed siege engines from being redistributed when using the auto-deploy button during the Order of Battle phase.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to deploy siege weapons even if you weren’t the army leader during the Order of Battle phase.
- Fixed a bug that caused a companion to act as a regular troop by dismissing them through conversation via the Party screen and then using the reset button.
- Fixed a bug that prevented tutorials from progressing when disabling tutorial hints.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the encyclopedia pages of troops from opening on the Manage Troops screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused the encyclopedia Close button to gray out and become unclickable.
- Fixed a bug that prevented troop counts from being updated after upgrading or transferring troops.
- Fixed a bug that caused different “Days until no food” values to be displayed on the Siege overlay and Army food tooltip.
- Fixed a bug that prevented voice pitch changes from being undone/redone.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to name your crafted weapons using invalid characters.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Siege UI texts not to refresh when an allied army leader joined the siege.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Party without a leader" circle notification to stick around even after disbanding the party.
- Fixed a bug that caused the disorganized state and quest icons to overlap.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the confirmation pop-ups from being displayed on the Party screen when exiting using keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed a bug that prevented remapped camera controls from being operational on the campaign map.
- Fixed a bug that caused time to pass on the Game Menu when pressing arrow keys.
- Fixed a bug that caused the first vote in the queue to come up when clicking on the map notification for a pending kingdom vote - not necessarily the one you clicked on.
- Fixed a bug that prevented troops from being donated to another party if their prisoners were over the limit.
- Fixed a bug that caused the keyboard/mouse icons to flicker during the tutorial.
- Fixed a bug on the Crafting screen that prevented the copy/paste of weapon designs if the pasted design wasn’t of the same weapon class as the currently selected one.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “Newly Unlocked” markers from appearing on the Crafting screen.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Cancel button from working on the Party screen.
Battles and Sieges
- Introduced Formation Targeting.
- The system allows players to target specific enemy formations with one or all of the allied formations.
- Targeting is done by using the Charge or Engage orders. Simply look at the enemy formation’s sigil as you give either order.
- Your troops will always prefer to attack the marked enemy over others under a target order as long as they can reach it.
- To disable a target order, you can issue any attack or movement order. This includes Charge and Engage - if you don’t look at an enemy formation.
- The order UI indicates the current targets of your formations.
- The feature is only available in Singleplayer - but we intend to explore it for multiplayer in the future as well.
- Reworked the Auto Battle Calculation system.
- Mission and terrain types now provide bonuses or penalties for attackers and defenders.
- For example, an attacking horse archer on flat terrain now has a large bonus but if you throw him into the forest that converts into a large penalty. Defending archers do great in a siege while attacking ones receive a penalty and so on.
- Perks of the Army/Party leader that have a Captain effect now also give a bonus to all the troops under their command. A tier is determined for each of these perks and those are then counted together. Tier 1-3 gives a bonus of 1%, tier 4-6 of 2%, tier 7-8 of 3%, and tier 9+ of 6%.
- For example, having the Deft Hands (T6) and Form Fitting Armor (T2) perks results in a bonus of 3% (T8).

- Banner bearers no longer despawn or respawn when configuring formations during the Order of Battle phase. Existing troops now switch their equipment appropriately instead.
- Improved the way troops avoid the battering ram while moving.
- Troops now stop using usable machines when the siege is over.
- Troops closest to the ranged siege weapon are now picked as the ones doing the reloading.
- Troops hit by boulders can now not only be wounded but also killed.
- Fixed a bug that caused formations not to face the correct direction when moved to a siege weapon during the Order of Battle phase.
- Fixed a bug that caused formation captains to be assigned to their own formations multiple times during the Order of Battle phase.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the auto-deployment feature from working correctly during the Order of Battle phase.
- Fixed a bug that caused units to disperse when transferring them between formations during the Order of Battle phase.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to cancel their queue and run around the siege ladder after it was pushed back down by the defenders as well as made minor improvements to the ladder queue system.
- Fixed a bug that caused defenders to position themselves at the ladder landing points instead of the siege tower docking point when the attackers were approaching with one.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to ignore enemy agents while moving towards a siege engine.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to get stuck on the ladder while climbing.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to continue to climb ladders even after winning the siege.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to cheer while using a siege engine.
- Fixed a bug that caused agents to stand still instead of moving towards siege engines.
- Fixed a bug that caused defenders to spawn outside the castle.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to look towards the castle while retreating.
- Fixed a bug that caused the AI to immediately start retreating during a Sally Out Ambush mission.
- Fixed a bug that caused the defenders to immediately call off the Sally Out Ambush if they didn’t have enough cavalry.
- Fixed a bug that prevented infantry from retreating during the Sally Out Ambush mission if the castle gate wasn’t located in the middle.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Try to get away" menu option to appear after performing a Sally Out Ambush mission, saving and reloading the game.
- Fixed a bug that caused fleeing troops not to be counted as casualties. This should result in a more appropriate timing for the retreat of an army.
- Fixed a bug that caused fleeing troops to be disregarded in various troop number calculations. This prevented the winning side from realizing they were winning the battle.
- Fixed a bug that caused the number of ranks to change during the transition between Line and Loose formations.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Loose formation to shrink upon receiving reinforcements.
- Fixed a bug that limited the speed of troops during a formation change.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops in Circle or Square formations to all face one direction instead of outwards.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops in Circle or Square formations to continuously move when given the Face Enemy order.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the last row of the Square formation from being filled.
- Fixed a bug that prevented a column formation with more than one rank from being formed.
- Fixed a bug that caused a delay to occur when giving a retreat order to the whole army.
- Fixed a bug that caused ranged units to continuously move back and forth in response to the Engage order.
- Fixed a bug that prevented skirmishers from approaching the enemy when given the Advance order. Now, they attack the enemy while using their throwing weapons.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to hold their shield up while retreating.
- Fixed a bug that prevented troops from interacting with horses.
- Fixed a bug that caused only the player’s or the siege commander’s troops to be killed during siege bombardment.
- Fixed a bug that caused parties that were neutral to the settlement to be kicked from it when a hostile party besieged it.
- Fixed a bug that caused the siege to persist despite peace being made between the factions.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the new AI siege commander from doing anything when a stronger allied army took over a siege from the player.
- Fixed a bug that caused a party to flee from a besieged settlement instead of joining the besieging army.
Character Development System
- Fog of War Improvements
- Ask the tavern keeper to learn more about the clan that owns the settlement, unlocking all clan member information in the encyclopedia for a fee. Inquiring about companions reveals their details as well.
- Receiving a marriage proposal from another clan or asking a lord about eligible bachelors also unlocks information of these characters in the encyclopedia.
- The “Birth and Aging” option is now available on all consoles. We’ve renamed it from “Birth and Death” to “Birth and Aging” to better distinguish it from other options.
- Improved and made various bug fixes to the following perks:
- OneHanded: Chink In The Armor, Way Of The Sword, Cavalry, Wrapped Handles, To Be Blunt, Steel Core Shields
- TwoHanded: Vandal, Way Of The Great Axe, Shield Breaker, Beast Slayer, Strong Grip
- Polearm: Lancer, Way Of The Spear, Keep At Bay, Unstoppable Force, Pikeman, Steed Killer, Standard Bearer, Sure Footed, Sharpen The Tip
- Bow: Bodkin, Renowned Archer, Bulls Eye, Deadshot, Hunter Clan, Renowned Archer
- Crossbow: Puncture, Mighty Pull, Pavise, Sheriff, Deft Hands
- Throwing: Weak Spot, Unstoppable Force, Impale, Mounted Skirmisher
- Riding: Shepherd, Deeper Sacks, The Way Of The Saddle, Veterinary, Sagittarius, Sweeping Wind, Horse Archer, Dauntless Steed
- Athletics: Mighty Blow, Form Fitting Armor, Ignore Pain
- Crafting: Artisan Smith, Practical Refiner, Practical Smith, Practical Smelter, Curious Smelter, Curious Smith
- Scouting: Village Network, Forest Kin, Uncanny Insight, Vantage Point, Beast Whisperer, Rearguard, Water Diviner, Pathfinder
- Tactics: Tactical Mastery, Improviser, Decisive Battle, Elite Reserves, Gens d’armes
- Roguery: White Lies, Scarface, Rogue Extraordinaire, Promises, Fleet Footed, In Best Light, Partners In Crime
- Charm: Virile, Firebrand, Immortal Charm, Tribute, Effort For The People, In Bloom, Young And Respectful, Meaningful Favors, Forgivable Grievances, Moral Leader, Self Promoter, Public Speaker
- Leadership: Leader Of Masses, Loyalty And Honor
- Trade: Granary Accountant, Silver Tongue, Great Investor, Artisan Community
- Steward: Price Of Loyalty, Sound Reserves, Contractors, Gourmet, Arenicos Mules, Price Of Loyalty, Master Of Planning
- Medicine: Siege Medic, Clean Infrastructure, Perfect Health, Bush Doctor, Preventive Medicine, Minister Of Health, Good Lodging
- Engineering: Clockwork, Architectural Commissions, Wall Breaker, Dreadful Sieger, Metallurgy
- Children now have random personality traits instead of directly inheriting them from parents (to diversify their personalities).
- The roguery experience gained from selling prisoners now takes into account their tier as well.
- Fixed a bug that canceled your romance progress when speaking about it with a hero that was part of an army or was taken prisoner.
- Fixed a bug that caused the character to retire even when selecting “No” during the final retirement confirmation.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Nomadic Traditions” perk to only affect swing attacks. It should now affect thrust attacks as well. Updated the perk text to indicate that it only applies to melee attacks.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “Bow Control” perk bonus from being applied to troops.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Way of The Saddle" perk bonuses to be applied twice.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Well Strapped” perk to reduce the chances of horses being lame less than intended.
- Fixed a bug that caused horse hit points to be reduced when dismounting and mounting a horse. This occurred if the rider had perks that increased horse hit points.
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes that just came of age to have negative experience until the next save/load.
- Fixed a bug that reset your spent influence when pressing Escape.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong Wins/Losses numbers to be displayed on the Game Over screen.
- Owning a settlement that is of the same culture as your character allows the criminal rating with that faction to drop faster than normally. Fixed a bug that enabled this even if you didn't own the settlement.
Clan and Party
- Reworked the after-battle prisoner distribution and recruitment.
- Caravan and village parties no longer take prisoners or recruit from the rescued prisoners pool.
- Bandit parties only recruit bandits from the rescued prisoners pool.
- Garrison parties and settlement militia deposit all prisoners they take to their settlement’s dungeon.
- Garrison parties only recruit non-bandit troops from the rescued prisoners pool.
- Village militia doesn’t take prisoners or recruit troops from the rescued prisoners pool.
- Wanderer Changes
- Balanced the variety of wanderer types by adding small amounts of non-combat skills to one-dimensional wanderers or by changing the over-used types like Scouting.
- Reworked combat skills of some wanderer types that had multiple high redundant combat skills. This lowers their levels, making it easier to develop your companions as desired.
- Influence is no longer given when your clan’s party donates prisoners to a settlement owned by your clan.
- Your party is no longer seen by other parties when waiting in a hideout.
- The party AI now resets upon leader change (rethinking their next moves).
- AI parties now no longer consume mounts when upgrading troops that require one for their upgrade.
- The spouse can now get pregnant when traveling in the same party as the main hero (no longer requiring you to wait in a settlement).
- Primary colors of clans that left their factions often used colors that resembled the Empire faction color. They now use desaturated versions of their initial culture's color instead.
- Fixed a bug that prevented bonuses and penalties from being updated immediately after changing party roles.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to attack neutral parties (caravans, villagers,...) without consequences.
- Fixed a bug that caused disbanded companion parties to raid villages instead of going to the nearest friendly settlement.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to create a party for a rescued companion without the system checking the conditions required for it.
- Fixed a bug that caused three or more factions to continue with a siege/battle despite peace being declared.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to get an incorrect amount of XP when items are discarded if Paid in Promise or Giving Hands perks were active.
- Fixed a bug that prevented allied parties from donating troops to a newly conquered settlement if you were the ruler of the faction.
- Fixed a bug that enabled you to assign scattered companions as governors.
- Fixed a bug that caused parties that haven’t yet merged with their army to get disorganized after the army had disbanded.
- Fixed a bug that caused an army member party not to get disorganized after the army had disbanded.
- Improved army member party visuals to take terrain into account while traversing the lands.
- Updated the “Army waiting in settlement” menu text to reflect the settlement type the army is in.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Army menu texts from being updated.
- Fixed a bug that caused AI parties to pay double the influence to form an army.
- Fixed a bug that caused AI parties to leave the settlement while it was under siege.
- Fixed a bug that caused an army member to be visually stuck near a gate on the world map.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Armies from attacking enemy besiegers that were weaker than them and instead moved back and forth on the world map.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect army strength number to be displayed on the army management screen.
- Fixed a bug that prevented army cohesion from being boosted when spending influence.
- Fixed a bug that caused caravans to join the player’s army which prevented the player from engaging with enemies.
Kingdoms and Diplomacy
- Fiefless Kingdom Destruction
- Kingdoms that lose all of their fiefs no longer linger around. Instead, they get destroyed.
- The kingdom’s clans become independent, inheriting its diplomatic stances and relations. Over time, they can join available kingdoms or wither away if they fail to do so for more than four weeks.
- Players can still persuade or kill enemy lords to the same end. However, they are no longer forced to choose between that, vying for peace or having to fend off an endless stream of attacks by an essentially defeated opponent.
- Fixed bugs that prevented the following kingdom policies from working correctly: Feudal Inheritance, Precarial Land Tenure, Land Tax, and War Tax.
- Fixed a bug that caused a negative relationship change with a friendly noble after rescuing them from the enemy.
- Fixed a bug that prevented war from being declared when attacking the faction’s villagers or caravans.
- Fixed a bug that caused a minor faction to make peace with their nemesis kingdom.
- Fixed a bug that caused nobles to offer 0 denars as a prisoner ransom.
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes to become prisoners of their own or neutral factions.
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes to be kept as prisoners indefinitely in villages.
Economy and Trade
- Introduced Warehouses
- This feature expands upon the existing workshop mechanics and seeks to provide you with a new trade gameplay loop - the ability to provide owned workshops with raw resources as well as the ability to collect processed goods from them.
- Warehouses are storage units with limited stock capacity where you can stock any item. They’re accessible through the town menu.
- Warehouse management can be done through the “Clan” screen under the “Others” tab. Here, you can determine whether a Workshop should use the inputs you manually provided and how many outputs it should store or sell directly on the market.
- Workshops can now only be purchased directly from notables.
- Improved various workshop-related dialogues.
- Fixed a bug that caused item prices to be miscalculated on the inventory screen.
- Weapon Modifier Changes
- Crafted weapons with modifiers now have their parameters (swing speed, cut damage,...) increased or decreased based on the modifier values instead of randomly.
- A weapon modifier is now added to the crafted weapon based on the item’s crafting difficulty and the hero’s crafting skill.
- There are five different modifiers: Poor, Inferior, (Common), Fine, Masterwork, and Legendary. Weapon prefixes are based on these and can differ based on weapon type, for example, “Rusted Sword” or “Dented Axe”.
- The more the skill outweighs the difficulty, the higher likelihood there is to craft a weapon with a better quality modifier and the other way around.
- Fixed a bug that prevented modifiers from correctly applying their effects in combat missions.
- Fixed a bug that caused crafted items to lose their modifiers when loading a save.
Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
- Added a 36-hour cooldown before a hideout can become infested again.
- Fixed a bug that caused governors to move out of their governed settlement.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to enter the lord’s hall with or without a bribe (you were able to bribe the guard even though you could enter directly via the door).
- Fixed a bug that caused an empty menu to appear after a raid.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the gang leader’s health from replenishing after an Alley attack.
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes that were assigned to Alleys to be teleported to different settlements.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Bandit Boss to use a ranged weapon during the Hideout duel.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Engage order from working in Hideout missions.
- Fixed a bug that caused Hideouts to stay on the campaign even after clearing them.
Main & Issue Quests
- New "Village Needs Crafting Materials" Issue Quest
- Summary: Headman/Landlord in the village needs crafting materials for their ongoing project.
- Conditions:
- The Quest Giver has a relation with the Player that is above -10.
- The Player is not at war with the Quest Giver’s faction.
- Fixed a bug that prevented quest items from being tracked correctly.
- This issue quest has been added with v1.1.0 already but it slipped through the cracks and it deserves to be mentioned!
- New “Special Weapon Order" Issue Quest
- Summary: The Gang Leader is looking for someone to craft special weapons for their men.
- Conditions:
- The Player’s crafting skill must be above 30.
- The Quest Giver has a relation with the Player that is above -10.
- New "Smugglers" Issue Quest
- Summary: The Noble is having problems with smugglers in their settlement and they need you to take care of them.
- Conditions:
- The Quest Giver owns a town.
- The Quest Giver has a relation with the Player that is above -10.
- The Player has more than 10 troops.
- The Player’s faction is not at war with the Quest Giver’s faction.
- Reworked the “Gang Needs to Offload Stolen Goods” Issue Quest
- Summary: The Gang Leader wants to sell you stolen goods through their friends in a nearby hideout.
- Conditions:
- The town’s security is below 70.
- There is a merchant in the town.
- There is an infested hideout nearby.
- The Quest Giver has a relation with the Player that is above -10.
- The settlement does not belong to the Player’s clan.
- "Headman Needs Grain” Issue Quest
- If a war is triggered between the Player's and the Headman's village's faction due to the high crime rating of the Player, the issue quest is canceled and the following penalties are applied: -50 honor XP, -5 relationship with the Headman, and the Headman gets -10 power.
- The quest gets canceled if the village is raided.
- The quest gets removed if the nearby towns have enough grain.
- The quest no longer gets removed if the village is raided, and the player can take it when the village is rebuilt.
- Fixed a bug that caused the quest to be canceled when loading the game or during gameplay due to a miscalculation in the price of grain.
- “Rival Gang Leader” Issue Quest
- Adjusted quest rewards, penalties, and world effects.
- Shortened the Gang Leader's preparation duration before the fight.
- Added gang leader henchman characters to the fight.
- Adjusted troop counts on both sides.
- Fixed a bug that caused troops to be revived after the quest’s battle.
- Fixed a bug that prevented troops from gaining experience after the fight.
- Fixed a bug that caused bandits to throw rocks during the fight.
- Fixed a bug that caused the scoreboard to show incorrect information after switching sides.
- “Notable Wants Daughter Found” Issue Quest
- Made minor tweaks and bug fixes related to relation changes, objective tracking, and hero parameters.
- “Raid an Enemy Territory” Issue Quest
- You’re now informed of the next steps after raiding the enemy villages.
- The quest succeeds if you have already raided the requested number of villages when it times out.
- “Lord Needs Horses” Issue Quest
- Tweaked the reward formula and the number of required horses.
- You can now also hand over the requested horses in a settlement owned by the Quest Giver’s clan.
- “Family Feud” Issue Quest
- The character needing protection from you was able to defend himself. Now, he needs your help to stay alive.
- “Inn and Out” Issue Quest
- Added exclamation marks to the relevant locations and quest NPCs.
- “Scout Enemy Garrisons” Issue Quest
- Fixed a bug that caused kingdomless clan leaders to generate the quest.
- “Art of the Trade” Issue Quest
- Fixed a minor conversation text bug.
- “Overpriced Raw Materials” Issue Quest
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to send Tier 1 troops to resolve the quest.
- “Artisan Can’t Sell Products” Issue Quest
- Fixed a bug that caused the relation penalty to be applied twice.
- “Conquest of Settlement” Issue Quest
- Fixed a bug that prevented the quest from being completed despite capturing the settlement.
- “Landowner Needs Manual Laborers” Issue Quest
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to sell non-bandit prisoners.
- “Escort Caravan” and “Caravan Ambush” Issue Quests
- Fixed a bug that caused bandit parties to attack the wrong caravan due to a conflict between the quests.
- Main Quest
- Assigned changing facial expressions and postures to the characters explaining the Battle of Pendraic.
- Added new animation tags to Battle of Pendraic dialogue individual lines, so that facial expressions and postures change as characters relay their versions of the battle.
- Disabled the generic greeting voiceovers of the hero’s brother.
- Fixed a bug that occurred during the Eliminate [Faction] quest where defeating the kingdom didn’t resolve the war between the factions.
- Fixed a bug that caused bandit parties’ clans to get randomly changed.
- Fixed a bug that caused Dragon Banner pieces to appear in the inventory after loading a save despite already assembling the Dragon Banner.
- Fixed a minor text bug that appeared on the pop-up when deciding to Visit or Talk with a main quest hero.
- Tutorial Phase
- Added a track indicator to the Headman.
- Fixed a bug that caused encounter battle menus to get closed after loading a save.
- Imprisoned heroes can no longer give issue quests.
- Quest Giver nobles can now be killed and their quests get canceled.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the red exclamation mark from appearing on the Quest Log when loading a save.
Conversations & Encounters
- Updated body posture animations, adding more variation and movement.
- Increased the number of tags in dialogues that change both facial animations and poses when NPCs change their mood, especially in quest dialogues. For example, NPCs are now more likely to smile or become cheerful if the player accepts a quest or act shocked or aggressive if the player betrays them.
- An NPC now recognizes the player in their initial conversation if the player has positive or negative relations with them despite not having high renown.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong conversation line to appear when discussing defection with non-clan leaders.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong conversation line to appear when ending the mercenary service.
- Fixed a bug that prevented mounts from stopping when starting a conversation with an NPC.
- Fixed a bug that caused hero prisoners to disappear when a bandit party surrendered to the player.
- Fixed a bug that prevented nobles from thanking the player after helping them in an encounter.
- Bandit parties that ambush caravans are now always called “Raiders” on the encounter menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused a black screen to appear when using Photo Mode inside the keep.
- Fixed a bug that caused characters generated at the start of the game not to have descriptions in the Encyclopedia.
- Fixed a bug that caused achievements to get disabled after playing for a period of time.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to get the “Horde Breaker” achievement by defeating a party that was on its way to join an army.
- Changed the main hero’s brother’s starting civilian weapon from "Highland Spiked Club" to "Falx Knife".
- Removed Rhagaea’s gloves.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after a captain round ended.
- Added 37 new perk icons and re-adjusted some existing ones.
- Changed the static colors of cloth located on 12 armor pieces to heraldic colors (the used color now depends on the faction color).
- Updated the troop selection screen character idle animations.
- Re-enabled ambient sounds.
Design & Balance
- Changed the Khuzait Rabble troop’s "Sickle" perk to "Axe" and "Khuzait Sickle" weapon to "Khuzait Light Axe".
Map Related
- Added an alternative path to each of the two spawn areas in the Port at Omor scene.
Other - Miscellaneous
- Added Taunts
- Taunts are animations through which you can express yourself, for example, by showing Disappointment, Bowing, Surrendering,...
- A total of 32 different animations can be acquired by getting them in the Armoury with Loot. They are categorized based on the weapons you can use them with. Not every Taunt works with every equipment type.
- Full-body Taunts block player movement while half-body Taunts retain the ability to run around while playing the animations.
- 6 slots can be equipped with Taunts in the Armoury before jumping into battle - where they’re accessible via the “O” button by default.
- Implemented a custom party system for Xbox console players.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from picking up boulders and firepots.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from spawning in due to stray mounts. These are now faded out.
- Improved the efficiency of CPU usage for multiplayer servers.
- Removed modded matches from recent games.
- Players who are offline will no longer show up as "At Lobby" or "Not In Multiplayer" in the Friends list.
- Fixed a bug that caused the equipment selection menu to stay active in the class loadout screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused the scoreboard not to be correctly updated.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the player level from being updated after battles in the lobby.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong faction colors to be shown on the class selection screen when in mirror matches.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Enable Generic Names" option from working correctly while on duel mode.
- Fixed a few text overflow issues that occurred on the Lobby screen.
Dedicated Servers
- Fixed various crashes that occurred due to warmup behavior.
- Merged the Custom Server Helper module into the base game. You do not have to manually enable it to download maps from Dedicated Servers anymore.
- Dedicated servers are now targeting .NET 6 instead of .NET Core 3.1.
- Added a new console command "set_server_bandwidth_limit_in_mbps" and launch option "serverbandwidthlimitmbps" for limiting dedicated server bandwidth usage.
- The “AutoTeamBalanceThreshold” option now accepts numbers instead of enum indices. This means that you can now set the auto team balance threshold from 0 to 30 players.
- Added a new "DisableInactivityKick" option which if set to “true” disables automatic player kicks.
- Added a new command line argument "use_parent_console” which forces the dedicated server to use the console it is launched from.
- The welcome message is no longer displayed as a separate popup but is printed into the chat instead.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when an agent incorrectly reserved a mount that was already reserved by another agent.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to a bug related to siege engines.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when launching the game.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the particle effect from triggering when hitting agents with a burning jar.
- Revised the siege engine sound effects.
- Improved ambiance and UI sounds.
- Added click sound effects to UI shortcut buttons.
- Added many missing sounds to button shortcuts, such as pressing A or D to transfer troops on the party screen.
- Mouse scroll speed no longer depends on your resolution and framerate.
- Fixed a bug that prevented keyboard binds from being saved on consoles.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck on the transfer troops menu if the “Hide Battle UI” option was enabled.
- Fixed a bug that caused the launcher to open with Multiplayer selected if the last selected option was Singleplayer and vice versa.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to pause when losing Window Focus, even when the option was disabled.
- Refined the hand placement of agents used when they are climbing up the siege ladders.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong character animation to be used when slightly moving diagonally.
- Fixed a bug that caused the character to stutter when on a moving object.
- Fixed a bug that caused the sword to disappear for a moment when quickly switching the aiming direction.
- Pushable Siege Ladders
- Siege ladders can now be pushed back even with agents climbing on them. This can be done by the player or an AI agent until the climbers reach a certain height.
- The action of pushing the ladder back can be canceled by attacking the pushing agent.
- Reworked the Melee Combat AI
- AI troops now fight less recklessly which, on average, increases the duration of combat. This was achieved by decreasing the attack frequency (especially when fighting multiple enemies), making the agents always block when within enemy strike range (when they are not attacking themselves), and through faster target reevaluation when hit by another enemy.
- Agents now also detect the risk of becoming surrounded by multiple enemies and attempt to escape such situations.
- Agents now preemptively raise their shields when moving towards enemy units that are preparing to shoot a projectile at them.
- Fixed various minor bugs in melee AI behavior.
- Improved Ranged AI and the Targeting System
- Ranged agents no longer keep approaching the enemy during a Charge order. Instead, they get in range and open fire until the target itself gets close enough for melee.
- Ranged agents also reposition if their view gets obstructed by a friendly troop or a tree.
- The overall targeting system was refined to improve situations where AI agents would prioritize the player despite having more optimal targets near them. This benefits melee, ranged, and mounted troops.
- Reduced the number of cases where agents tried to attack an enemy behind an obstacle.
- Fixed a bug that caused horse archers to switch between melee and ranged weapons when given the “Engage” order with enemy formations far away.
- Improved the Cavalry AI’s Aiming and Movement Systems
- Agents now take into account their weapon’s reach when determining the attacking direction as well as try to attack the body part that would yield the most damage.
- This also fixes a bug that caused agents to miss their target, even if it was stationary.
- Refined the movement decision-making process, resulting in the agents’ increased tendency to couch lances, which in turn increases their effectiveness during a charge.
- This also fixes a bug that caused two cavalry agents to circle each other indefinitely without attacking.
- Improved AI agent positioning, fixing various related issues.
- Fixed a bug that caused ranged AI agents to keep their distance from the enemy even if undesired.
- Fixed a bug that prevented AI agents from picking up boulders.
- Fixed a bug that caused AI agents to try and pick up unreachable items (for example, a weapon lying under a siege tower).
- Fixed a bug that prevented horse archers from switching back to their bows after once using a melee weapon.
- Extended Gamepad Support
- [PS5 only] Added various DualSense features:
- Added support for adaptive triggers during combat. You can now feel the tightness of your bowstring and more.
- Gyro-aiming with the controller is now possible.
- Important sounds are played on your controller speaker during combat (also available on PS4).
- Added fine-tuned vibrations to various in-game scenarios. Now you can feel the surface you're riding your horse on or the impact of hand-to-hand combat.
- [All other platforms]
- Added gamepad rumbles to various in-game scenarios, both for combat and campaign.
- Please note that the PS5/PS4 controllers features are not yet fully supported when using them on PC. We intend to work on this during the beta period.
- [PlayStation] PS4 saves now can be migrated to PS5 consoles. First, download the save data through the cloud or import save data via USB and then use the main menu option "Transfer PS4 Save" to use the PS4 save.
- Added 15 cheats for consoles. They can be enabled through the Campaign Options or by holding Left Bumper + Right Trigger + D-Pad Down. Enabling cheats will disable achievements.
For further explanation and additional information on the modding changes check the following thread: v1.2.0 Modding Adjustments.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using the "Auto Generate Nav Mesh" functionality.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when opening the Cloth editor via the console without first entering Editor mode.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after closing the flora editor.
- Modified the warning message that explains soft borders need to be present on the scene or flora may not appear correctly.
- Path points can now be snapped to the water level.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Max Height change option from working when using it for a single action with the Elevation or the Paint tool.
- Added two new callbacks that allow modders to manually assign targets for AI agents. Agent.SetTargetAgent() allows modders to set a target agent but if they do not disable automatic target selection, our low-level AI will try to pick a new and different target agent when possible. To avoid that, Agent.SetAutomaticTargetSelection() can be used to disable automatic target selection, giving full control over the target selection process to the modders.
- Added agent references to the AttackInformation struct to allow modders to use agent information in their damage calculations.
- Pathfinding can now be used with excluded face IDs. This enables you to allow or restrict the usage of a specific nav mesh face under set conditions. For example, AI agents on foot can be allowed to enter a specific area while restricting access to mounted AI agents. This also works on the world map, allowing you to restrict access of parties to certain areas based on set conditions.
- Batte types are now part of their map event within the map event system.
- Moved some of the MapEventHelper functions in Helpers to the MapEvent class. They’re now directly connected to their map event.
- Separated PartyVisuals from PartyBase.cs. Deleted the IPartyVisual interface. All party visuals are now stored in PartyVisualManager.cs which is part of the Sandbox.View project.
- Moved the Prosperity value from Settlement.cs to Town.cs.
- Moved the skill level requirement for epic perk calculations to the CharacterDevelopmentModel, allowing modders to override them.
- Changed the way companion skills are defined (sandboxcore_skill_sets.xml), making them more easily moddable.
- Removed the neutral faction. This used to be a catch-all faction to avoid crashes and bugs in some circumstances. The code has been refactored to work without such a design.
- Fixed a bug that caused a custom race to not be applied on save/load for heroes generated with a template from a different race. For example, if a hero named Richard is created using a hero template with an Elf race, Richard will still be an Elf after save/load.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to missing classes and perks of a modded faction.
- Improved moddability of the AgentStatCalculateModel. GetWeaponDamageMultiplier and GetEffectiveSkill methods now accept the relevant agent as a parameter.
- Added CalculateStrikeMagnitudeForMissile to the StrikeMagnitudeModel, making Missile damage moddable. Removed CalculateSpeedBonusMultiplierForMissile and integrated it into the default implementation of CalculateStrikeMagnitudeForMissile.
- Moved some MP code into the Multiplayer module (modders might need to reference these new DLLs).
- Fixed a bug with the RoundUp calculation of the Captain mode troop counts.
- Fixed a bug that caused newly added faction banners not to show up on the Multiplayer screens.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the scoreboard from resetting after a TDM warmup.
- Added a new category called "music" to the module_sounds.xml. This allows modders to add music across all aspects of the game more easily.
- Fixed a bug that caused some textures added by new modules to be rendered incorrectly.