Community Tales #14 - Breaking the Seal on Thursday!

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

We’ll be breaking the seal this Thursday, sharing some important news - so stay tuned for that!

We would also like to invite you to the next official Multiplayer event.

Calradian War #12 - Captain Fracas vs Benoni

Come join us this Saturday for the twelfth official large-scale event with up to 700 players on the same server.

We`re having a special treat, as two renowned content creators in the Bannerlord community, Captain Fracas (Twitch / YouTube) and Benoni (YouTube), will lead their factions in an epic showdown.

For Battles, we will be using maps initially made for Captain mode. In the last Battle mode map, we will have a special rule “Protect the King” - if either Captain Fracas or Benoni falls in battle first, their faction instantly loses. Players are encouraged to form protective formations around their leaders and follow their orders. 

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

⚔ Are you ready for war? ⚔

* Date & Time: Saturday, 22nd of March, 20:00 CET
* Event Type: Siege & Battle
* Server Name: [EVENT] Calradian War #12 - Captain Fracas vs Benoni - 3x Loot & Exp
* Players: Up to 700 warriors.

Don’t miss it—victory awaits!


Without further ado, let’s jump right in!


Artisan's Atelier


Robert the Redeemer by RepresentativeBell45



Karakhergit's Selun Begüm by Bikey



Knightly Vistas


Mud and blood by Vanilla Dice



Long journey by nakhrin



Crafting Marvels




Better Bandit Troop Trees by BCMINISOOP
This mod expands bandit troop progression, adding higher-tier units and alternate upgrade paths. Bandit parties are larger and more diverse, featuring specialized roles like heavy melee fighters, cavalry, and ranged units. Looters can now evolve into more formidable bandits, and all bandit troops are available in Custom Battles.


Unblockable Thrust by nekoceng
You can bypass standard directional blocking of thrust attacks using this mod. Thrusts can only be stopped by shields, parrying, or chamber blocking, as normal blocks will result in a crush-through effect. This change encourages more dynamic combat, rewarding precise movement, quick reactions, and proper defensive techniques.

BetterMPHealth by KAMBY
Stay informed and plan your Multiplayer fights with precision. Offering a clearer view of your survivability in battle, this Multiplayer mod enhances the UI by displaying numerical health values for your character, shield, and mount on top of the existing health bars.



Chronicles in Motion


The Bannerlord $0 Army by Resonant


HORSE RACES and CHARIOT RACES in Bannerlord by Artem





Chivalrous Assemblies


Bannerlord Native League #6

The Bannerlord Native League #6 is drawing to an end. The divisions are already scheduling their final matches, and we`re very excited to see all the teams from all divisions that will come on top this time around!

Congratulations to Imperial Eagles (IE) for taking the gold in the grand finals (watch here), and well done to all the teams that participated!

The BNL administration team has done wonderful work with the organization and maintenance of this tournament and we hope to see many more iterations of the Bannerlord Native League.

For those unfamiliar with BNL, it is a community skirmish tournament where teams are split into divisions - with multiple teams in each division. Usually, one match is played per week against the other teams. This leads to some epic competitive fights with teams on similar footing, with more skilled players in higher divisions!


Bannerlord Calradic Campaign #56

The next Calradic Campaign event will be announced in the #announcements channel on M&B Discord server a week before the date of the event.
The date of the fifty-sixth event in their Bannerlord series is scheduled to be the 5th of April.

Join for some hack and slash on their Calradic_Campaign server using their Module.

If you would like a quick overview of the CC events, check out this video - What is the Calradic Campaign?


Bretonnie Roleplay Events

The Bretonnie Roleplay Events are highly immersive weekly multiplayer community events organized by the Le Royaume de Bretonnie [BRE] clan as seen in Benoni’s videos. Their next events are this Friday, 21st of March, and Sunday, 23rd of March, both at 20:30 CET

This recurring event focuses on strict formation and roleplaying rules in an effort to re-create massive medieval battles with more than 500 players on the server at once. The story continuously unfolds and is impacted by the results of the battle events and roleplay scenarios. This narrative is further supported by the Mod Pack which contains custom maps and items.

It is required to participate with or as part of a clan to join the event, so if you’re already in one - sign up with your clan here. Still searching for a clan? Then make your way to the Clans board and find your new home!


Persistent Bannerlord NA re-launch

The Persistent Bannerlord mod is bringing large-scale multiplayer action back to North America! This evolving, player-driven server lets you claim castles, manage economies, and wage wars as factions progress through different “ages,” unlocking new tools and strategies over time. With thousands of players already engaged and a strong history in various Warband Persistent mods communities, the NA launch on March 22nd, at 5 pm EDT, is shaping up to be a massive event - join in on the fun!


For more information check out their main community discord, or the NA part of it.



If you would like to suggest content for the next #CommunityTales, make sure to tag @Mount_and_Blade on Twitter or @mountandblade on Facebook with the #CommunityTales. Alternatively, you can reach out on our forums to Piconi or Dejan.