Native: e1.0.0
SandboxCore: e1.0.5
Sandbox: e1.0.5
Storymode: e1.0.5
CustomBattle: e1.0.5
- Another fix for Aserai's basic troop.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the main party from starving if the tutorial is skipped.
- Fixed a bug with conversations with Imperial and anti-Imperial mentors after the 2nd phase of the Main Storyline.
- Players will now be able to join a kingdom if they are at war with a faction that has been weakened almost to the point of destruction.
- Terrain performance fix for low configs.
- Fixed an error for the settlement recruit notification.
- Fixed formation size showing 0 in multiplayer lobby Armory.
- Fixed a rare crash that happens when ordering your troops to raid a settlement.
- Simplified Chinese text improvements.
- Fixed a crash related to archer weapon behaviour.
- Positive and negative relation effects were not applied if players spent their influence on other candidates during voting. This was a bug and it is now fixed. Now, spending 50/100/300 influence increases your relation by 8/20/60 with a candidate.
- Snowball effect developments: clans now no longer want to defect to kingdoms which captured their settlements earlier in a campaign. AI defection calculation now cares about relations much more and new ways to lose relations have been added. If a party besieges a settlement, the army leader will lose relation with the settlement owner. Also, after a successful siege, there is a secondary relation loss between both the settlement owner and the aggressor’s faction leader.
- NPC lords will now be more selective when targeting distant settlements for hostile actions.
- Fixed a crash that happened when logging in to multiplayer.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after successfully defending a castle during a siege.