Native: e1.0.0
SandboxCore: e1.0.6
Sandbox: e1.0.6
Storymode: e1.0.6
CustomBattle: e1.0.6
Multiplayer Crashes
- Multiplayer blood particle crash fix.
Singleplayer Crashes
- Fixed a crash that occurred while loading a scene.
- Fixed a crash related to player executions.
- Stability Improvements to the menu logic.
- A rare “Army of Poachers” quest crash bug has been fixed.
- A very rare crash related to “Gang Leader Needs Weapon” quest is fixed.
- The game now gives clearer warnings in the event of a crash caused by missing Windows 7 updates.
- Players who have issues launching the game can now use Bannerlord.Native.exe as an alternative solution.
- Fixed one of the performance spike issues on the campaign.
Character Development System
- Fixed “Leadership Disciplinarian”, “Trade Caravanmaster” and “Charm Parade” perks.
- Added combat skill experience gain for tournaments and practice fights.
- Added charm skill experience for successful barters.
- Increased experience gain from successful romance and defection persuasions.
Quests & Issues
- Fixed a bug that locked the main storyline phase to weaken or unify the empire when the success conditions were met before the player got the quest.
- “Bushwackers” now use a mix of short and long bows (previously 100% longbows).
- Lowered the tier of longbows for "Freebooters".
- Reduced the accuracy of stones.
- Decreased the damages of crossbows.
- Fixed the length of the "Fine Steel Kaskara Blade".
- Slightly reduced the speed of tournament horses (to make them more manoeuvrable).
- Fixed the holster of the "Falx Blade".
- The "Voulge" is no longer couchable.
- Renamed the "Western Short Spear" to "Western Long Spear".
- Changed the name of a Tier 2 spear that was named “Knight’s Lance” to “Western Short Spear”.
Known Issues